Grief Healing Morning

grief 2024 oct

Sunday 13th October, 10:15am to 11:45am with Francesca, £26

Francesca lost her mum to cancer in 2021, her grief is the reason she does what she does. ❤

The grief healing morning is an opportunity to come together and heal, connect, and celebrate our grief, celebrate our loved ones; together.

Expect a peaceful 90-minute session full of movement, healing and allowing yourself to gently feel…

yin yoga – drawing – journaling – angel & tarot cards – reiki – breathwork – guided meditation – sharing circle (where you can share as little or as much as you like).

FREE healthy smoothie included at your first session with me!

Email to sign up

Or Instagram message @wildpeacetreeyoga_

For more information about Francesca, her classes and client reviews – Wild Peace Tree Yoga

Francesca looks forward to connecting with you,

Francesca x