Yin Yoga with Eve Rose

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Every Thursday 17:00-18:00

Please note, no class on 25th July and over August. Eve Rose will resume classes on September 5th

Yin is a slower and more passive style of Yoga aimed at stretching and nourishing the deeper layers of connective tissue in the body and bringing us into a state of mindful relaxation.

This class is suitable for any age as well as beginners to Yoga and you will be gently guided to practice at your own comfort level.

For many of us who live fast paced and very yang life styles the practice of Yin can provide us with an opportunity to slow down and activate our parasympathetic nervous system which allows our bodies, minds and emotions to rest, relax and digest.

Poses are mostly practiced either lying down or seated and are held for anywhere between 2-5 mins, often with the aid of bolsters, cushions, yoga blocks and blankets.  Guidance on breathing and meditation is also offered.

You can expect to feel more open, grounded and deeply rested after the class.


£12 drop-in / £8 concessions
£40 for 4 classes (valid for 8 weeks)
Concessions available. Please ask. No one will miss out due to cost.

Booking advisable but not essential by clicking “book a class” in the link below:

Concessions can be paid in class.

For further information contact Eve:
07968 796419


headshotEve is a yoga teacher, masseuse and mindfulness facilitator with a background in performance art. She has over 15 years of experience as a somatic therapist and 10 years as a yoga teacher. She has found the path of yoga to be beneficial to her physical & mental wellbeing and general happiness, helping her to cultivate compassion and curiosity towards herself as well as others. She teaches hatha & yin yoga and incorporates mindfulness techniques into her classes as this has helped her understand her own unhelpful habits and discover new ways of responding. She has an in-depth knowledge of the body having been a masseuse for years and brings this into her teaching. She has trained extensively in the UK as well as India and is inspired by many teachers & body/mind practices.