2024 new small

Monthly Fridays 7.30pm-9pm

  • FRIDAY 11th October
  • FRIDAY 8th November

COST : £25 

What better way to round off a busy week, than immersed in a deeply soothing Friday evening MUSICAL COCOON?

As the nights draw in, join for a nourishing & joy-filled SOUND IMMERSION to support your balanced transition into Autumn & towards the Winter months ahead.

We’ll begin with a creative sonic landscape of the SOUND BATH, the sound vibrations harmonizing your being on a molecular level, restoring balance & replenishing energy stores. Each sound, instrument & guided meditation bringing it’s own special resonance, allowing you to experience your unique, free-flowing sound vista.

We’ll transition seamlessly into awakening body & voice with gentle movement & sound practices, listening & call/response of ancient MANTRA (both in Sanskrit & English), a simple song & rounds with GUITAR accompaniment.

We all know MUSIC lifts & shifts our mood, helping us to release tension & held emotions, & triggering those feel-good vibes!  And using our voices together in song is like giving ourselves an inner massage and supporting a fuller exhalation to make space for deeper, revitalising proper breathing. And there’s nothing like joining our voices together to feel a deeper sense of joyful connection.

And a note here, we all have a voice! – & I aim to support kind exploration without judgment – it’s a perfect opportunity to let go of any ‘I can’t sing’ inner chatter & just give it a whirl.  You are also welcome to lie back & listen. Still, I generally find the deeply restorative SOUND BATH helps to free up & explore with a more open mind/heart, allowing a sense of genuine curiosity & playfulness to arise!

OPEN TO ALL & no previous yoga/experience needed – all equipment of mats, bolsters & blankets provided – just turn up as you are, lie back & enjoy!

Feedback …

‘I loved the way you structured the experience & the guitar & singing were sublime.’ Clare

‘Post the session, I felt lighter and had a spring in my step which provided some much needed energy for the weekend’ CG

‘The class provided a much needed opportunity to get away from the madding crowd on a Friday evening & do something completely different… a great way to sign off a busy week. Highly recommend!’ Catherine

INFO & how to SIGN UP …

  • Duration : 1.5 hrs
  • Cost : £25

about BELLE

Belle Greenwood is both a yoga teacher & yoga therapist with over 20 years experience, as well as a musician. She has lead yoga retreats internationally for 16 years +, incorporating her singer/songwriter hat to share mantra, music & song. Belle continues her musical career, enjoying collaborating with fellow musicians & currently recording her first solo EP. Belle has been a practising Buddhist since 2002.