Feldenkrais Workshop: freeing the spine, softening shoulders, ribs and pelvis


Sunday March 23rd 10am – 12 noon

with Cath Greenwood, £20/£12

Combining mindful attention and gentle movement Feldenkrais uses the brain’s plasticity to stimulate better posture, coordination, breathing and flexibility so that we can move with greater ease and comfort.

This workshop will take you through a series of gentle but dynamic movements that bring awareness to your habitual ways of moving and help you sense and organize yourself to reduce pain and improve your mobility, balance and power.

The class follow the same sequence but the emphasis is on listening to yourself, noticing and clarifying how you respond, moving at your own pace and within your range of comfort. There are many rests and the mindful quality of a lesson helps create the best conditions for integration and learning.

Many find classes deeply relaxing and feel more connected, grounded, energised and with improved posture and movement at the end of a session.

Suitable for all – those with experience or those who want to try Feldenkrais for the first time, people come for a wide range of reasons:

  • Fluid, easy movement at every age
  • Skills for dancers, musicians, actors, athletes
  • Calmness and well-being
  • Pain and stiffness relief – backs, shoulders, necks, pelvis

To book a place or for more information contact cathfeldenkrais@gmail.com

Or visit www.cathfeldenkrais.com
