Saturday, May 24th, 13:00-16:00, £45, £40, £55, £30
Each session will explore a new theme supporting your journey of self-discovery, self-empowerment, self-liberation and self-care.
Combining Conscious connected breathwork, embodiment exercises, self enquiry and meditation, we meet ourselves with deep presence and compassion, tuning into the body’s innate wisdom to heal and evolve, allowing emotions to flow and the body to move.
As we move through life and the challenges which life presents, we often disconnect from the physical body and connection to self by ‘checking out’. Through everyday distractions such as devices, shopping, television, social media, food and addictive habits we avoid and escape from our deepest longing – to meet ourselves completely. We may also experience dissociation and fragmentation which can occur through unprocessed emotions and traumatic events, leaving us feeling numb, dissatisfied and disconnected from our physical/emotional/spiritual self. This can also manifest as chronic pain, illness, depression anxiety, and unhealthy behavioural and relationship patterns.
In these workshops, Natalie will guide you on a journey of movement, supportive exercises, felt sense meditation and conscious connected breathing to encourage the opening of your body as you truly show up to meet all the parts of yourself which have been yearning to be met. Truly, deeply coming home to yourself.
This style of conscious connected breathwork is led from a trauma sensitive perspective and is intended to work intelligently with your nervous system without overwhelm.
During this workshop you may experience any of the following: involuntary physical sensations, emotional and physical release, deeper connection to your body, a deep sense of relaxation, mental clarity, spiritual connection, enhanced breathing capacity and self compassion.
~Trauma Informed
~Helps to create inner peace and cultivate a meditation practice.
~Allows the body to release physical and emotional tension.
~ Can bring insights and clarity.
~Can support the integration of unprocessed trauma.
~Brings a deeper connection to the body.
~Regulates the nervous system.
~Helps to support the growth of your ‘window of tolerance’.
~Supports self-development.
~Builds resilience levels.
~Encourages new ways of thinking, connecting and communicating.
~Maximum 10 participants.
Please book directly with Natalie – info@evolvebreathbody.com
For more info about the work and Natalie, please see www.evolvebreathbody.com
If you have any mental or physical health diagnoses, injuries, or recent surgeries, please inform Natalie when booking. Some contraindications require adaptations. All information shared is honoured and held confidential.
Suitable for everyone over the age of 18
£45 Standard Price
£40 Regular attendees. For those who come to regular events for ongoing personal development.
£55 Pay it forward (if you are in a position to pay a little more, the additional income will help to offer places to those who could use a little community support to attend events)
£30 Community Supported price for those who would like to join and need a little help from the ‘Pay it forward’ funds. Also for Evolve Breathwork Facilitator Trainees and Graduates.
Upcoming Dates:
March 22nd~ 1-4pm
May 24th~ 1-4pm
June 15th~ 1-4pm
June 21st~ 1-4pm
July 13th~ 1-4pm
July 19th~ 1-4pm
August 16th~ 1-4pm
August 30th~ 1-4pm
September 7th~ 1-4pm
September 27th~ 1-4pm
Evolve Breath & Body offer trauma informed sessions, workshops and trainings which combine Conscious connected breathwork, sound, meditation, movement, touch, felt sense, inquiry and partner exercises to support the integration and release of long held physical and emotion tension in the body which can occur due to unprocessed feelings and traumatic events.
Along with the breath and the nervous system, we work with the body’s natural impulse to move and express physically, opening up our capacity to receive a deeper diaphragmatic breath, meeting ourselves authentically, feeling more vibrant, alive, spacious and embodied.