Workshops and Events

Learn to Give your Pal or your Partner a prober Shoulder Massage and Get the Same in Return

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Saturday 12th April, 14:30-16:30
Learn to give your pal or your partner a proper massage
This two-hour workshop will teach you all you need to give a satisfying shoulder rub at the desk or in front of the TV without frying your hands or inflicting the wrong kind of pain*.
 Massages are done through clothing.
*(we like the right kind of pain…)
For duos of all kinds – flatmates, siblings, couples, friends
all ages, bodies, genders and sexualities welcome

£90 for 2 places (tickets not sold individually)

Book online here 

To make sure everyone gets the help they need there will be no more than 5 pairs at each session.

Unfortunately, this workshop is not suitable for people in the first trimester of pregnancy.

If you have any questions please feel free to Florence:

Sensory Awakening and Sound Healing Immersion


Saturdays, 19:30-21:00

2025 sessions:

  • March 29th
  • April 26th
  • May 24th
  • June 21th

With Chai Francesco

To book this session, please email

This one-of-a-kind workshop, hosted by the Maestro practitioner Chai Francesco, invites participants to escape the relentless glow of screens and immerse themselves in a world of healing vibrations and self-discovery.

The session is divided into two parts. The first is 30 minutes of flow movements, body-tapping, and vocal toning, followed by essential self-healing exercises.

The second part consists of a 60-minute Sound Bath. Chai will perform a unique fusion of live sounds and relaxing guided meditations. He will guide you on a profound journey within yourself.

The overarching goal of Sensory Awakening is to counteract technology’s numbing effects on our physical and emotional health. It acknowledges the need for individuals to reclaim their sense of self in the face of an increasingly digitalized world.

Participants are led through a carefully curated series of exercises to help them better understand their own emotions. Sensory Awakening aims to create space for these emotions to be expressed: It represents a return to the self.

Using doable methods and gentle exercises, participants in this sound healing session explore the principles of self-healing, gaining the confidence to apply these practices to their everyday lives. To ensure that participants depart with a toolkit of abilities they can quickly integrate into their everyday routines, the focus is on accessibility and simplicity.


Quarts and metal singing bowls, Gong, tuning forks, Shamanic drums, chimes, voice.

Benefits of Sound Healing include:

Improved mood, sense of calm, tranquillity and relaxation. Relief from stress or anxiety as well as from physical pain, ailments, or tension in the body. Improved mental focus or clarity of thought.



Chai Francesco is a freelance Holistic Therapists with a musical background (MA Guildhall School of Music & Drama)He qualified with a Diploma in Sound Therapy with the ‘Sound Healing Academy’ in 2015 and since has been offering regular group and individual sound bath sessions in London. Chai also runs workshops on meditation and self-healing.

Visit Chai Francesco’s website by clicking here:


Somatic yoga and Sound Bath with Marika

  • 2025, Saturday 12th April, 18:00-19:30

Price 25£

Immerse yourself in the practice of somatic yoga and sound bath and be guided into a state of peace and harmony. Every part of us has its own healthy frequency, when we are at the optimal health.

Stress, negative thinking and emotions, overwhelmed and invasive noise can bring us out of tune creating a sense of disharmony.

Sound healing uses healing frequencies to shift us back into balance and harmony, through sympathetic resonance where one vibrating object causes another nearby object to vibrate at the same frequency creating harmony.

There is a resonance between crystal bowls and human cells due to the crystalline structure of the human body. Great effect can occur on physical, emotional and cellular level.

​During the session we embrace imperfection having time and space for listening subtle sensations using somatic approach before entering in the sound experience.

Somatic yoga is a practice of self awareness independent from any specific body shape and connected with the principles of elements and chakras. It gives the time and space to feel subtle sensations. Allows to be more fluid and unfold what needed in the moment.

​Slowing down to feel and refining awareness into little small movements, relationship with your breath and inner experience.

Relax, surrender and feel safe with no judgment. Embrace all moves and sounds as part of the journey and remember louder is not better, quicker is not better.

The healing happens in the space between the sounds.

Some benefits:

Soothing effect in the somatic nervous system, unwinding patterns in the body from stress, encourage the lymphatic flow that support immunity, create slide and glide loosing adhesions and stimulating responsiveness, coming back to whole, balance and harmony.

For booking click here

Precautions Guide :

Crystal bowl sound bath is safe, however for the vibrations generated is not advisable in case of

-Epilepsy, tinnitus, Ménière’s
-Metal plates
-Severe mental health problems
-First trimester pregnancy

if unsure consult your doctor

Feldenkrais Workshop: freeing the spine, softening shoulders, ribs and pelvis


Sunday April 13th, 10am – 12 noon

with Cath Greenwood, £20/£12

Combining mindful attention and gentle movement Feldenkrais uses the brain’s plasticity to stimulate better posture, coordination, breathing and flexibility so that we can move with greater ease and comfort.

This workshop will take you through a series of gentle but dynamic movements that bring awareness to your habitual ways of moving and help you sense and organize yourself to reduce pain and improve your mobility, balance and power.

The class follow the same sequence but the emphasis is on listening to yourself, noticing and clarifying how you respond, moving at your own pace and within your range of comfort. There are many rests and the mindful quality of a lesson helps create the best conditions for integration and learning.

Many find classes deeply relaxing and feel more connected, grounded, energised and with improved posture and movement at the end of a session.

Suitable for all – those with experience or those who want to try Feldenkrais for the first time, people come for a wide range of reasons:

  • Fluid, easy movement at every age
  • Skills for dancers, musicians, actors, athletes
  • Calmness and well-being
  • Pain and stiffness relief – backs, shoulders, necks, pelvis

To book a place or for more information contact

Or visit



Evolve Breath & Body 2025 Breathwork and Embodiment Workshops with Natalie Keany

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Saturday, May 24th,  13:00-16:00, £45, £40, £55, £30

Each session will explore a new theme supporting your journey of self-discovery, self-empowerment, self-liberation and self-care.

Combining Conscious connected breathwork, embodiment exercises, self enquiry and meditation, we meet ourselves with deep presence and compassion, tuning into the body’s innate wisdom to heal and evolve, allowing emotions to flow and the body to move.

As we move through life and the challenges which life presents, we often disconnect from the physical body and connection to self by ‘checking out’. Through everyday distractions such as devices, shopping, television, social media, food and addictive habits we avoid and escape from our deepest longing – to meet ourselves completely. We may also experience dissociation and fragmentation which can occur through unprocessed emotions and traumatic events, leaving us feeling numb, dissatisfied and disconnected from our physical/emotional/spiritual self. This can also manifest as chronic pain, illness, depression anxiety, and unhealthy behavioural and relationship patterns.

In these workshops, Natalie will guide you on a journey of movement, supportive exercises, felt sense meditation and conscious connected breathing to encourage the opening of your body as you truly show up to meet all the parts of yourself which have been yearning to be met. Truly, deeply coming home to yourself.

This style of conscious connected breathwork is led from a trauma sensitive perspective and is intended to work intelligently with your nervous system without overwhelm.

During this workshop you may experience any of the following: involuntary physical sensations, emotional and physical release, deeper connection to your body, a deep sense of relaxation, mental clarity, spiritual connection, enhanced breathing capacity and self compassion.

~Trauma Informed

~Helps to create inner peace and cultivate a meditation practice.

~Allows the body to release physical and emotional tension.

~ Can bring insights and clarity.

~Can support the integration of unprocessed trauma.

~Brings a deeper connection to the body.

~Regulates the nervous system.

~Helps to support the growth of your ‘window of tolerance’.

~Supports self-development.

~Builds resilience levels.

~Encourages new ways of thinking, connecting and communicating.

~Maximum 10 participants.

Please book directly with Natalie  –

For more info about the work and Natalie, please see

If you have any mental or physical health diagnoses, injuries, or recent surgeries, please inform Natalie when booking. Some contraindications require adaptations. All information shared is honoured and held confidential.

Suitable for everyone over the age of 18


£45 Standard Price

£40 Regular attendees. For those who come to regular events for ongoing personal development.

£55 Pay it forward (if you are in a position to pay a little more, the additional income will help to offer places to those who could use a little community support to attend events)

£30 Community Supported price for those who would like to join and need a little help from the ‘Pay it forward’ funds. Also for Evolve Breathwork Facilitator Trainees and Graduates.

Upcoming Dates:

March 22nd~ 1-4pm

May 24th~ 1-4pm

June 15th~ 1-4pm

June 21st~ 1-4pm

July 13th~ 1-4pm

July 19th~ 1-4pm

August 16th~ 1-4pm

August 30th~ 1-4pm

September 7th~ 1-4pm

September 27th~ 1-4pm

Evolve Breath & Body offer trauma informed sessions, workshops  and trainings which combine Conscious connected breathwork, sound, meditation, movement, touch, felt sense, inquiry and partner exercises to support the integration and release of long held physical and emotion tension in the body which can occur due to unprocessed feelings and traumatic events.

Along with the breath and the nervous system, we work with the body’s natural impulse to move and express physically, opening up our capacity to receive a deeper diaphragmatic breath, meeting ourselves authentically, feeling more vibrant, alive, spacious and embodied.

Yogabliss Asana Labs with Kanwal Ahluwalia

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Sunday 18 May / 13 Jul / 14 Sept / 23 Nov, 10am-12pm

Deepen your practice through four Yogabliss workshops

Join Kanwal for a series of 4 workshops on Sunday mornings to unpack and deep dive into energising twists, heart-opening backbends, centring balances and calming forward bends.  Each 2-hour workshop will break down common yoga asana postures with an exploration of the physical and energetic benefits, giving you a chance to work slowly and deeply into the pose in a light-hearted way. Every workshop will include meditation, pranayama (breathwork), dynamic strength-building hatha yoga postures as well as longer-held yin postures, yoga philosophy, a long relaxation and chai and chat afterwards

Whether you’re a curious beginner to yoga, a more practised yogi/ni wanting a refresher, or just wanting more space for questions and assistance, this workshop is for you. Refine your practice by expanding your understanding of common postures and improving your overall yoga experience.

Join for a workshop or 2 or even the full course!

Energising Twists for Back Health
Sunday 18 May, 10am-12pm, ZenYoga Camberwell

 small pic 1 kanwalTwists help us to rotate the spine and stretch the muscles of the back restoring the spine’s natural range of motion. Through a series of twists, we will lengthen the torso along the spine, allowing our energy to flow more easily giving us an energy boost and spring in our step while we safely decompress the vertebrae.


Centring balances to enhance focus and resilience
Sunday 13 July, 10am-12pm, ZenYoga Camberwell

small pic 2 kanwalBalancing postures improves core strength, and tone connective tissue and builds stability in the joints. Through a combination of floor and standing balances, we will ground towards the earth and lengthen towards the summer sun, improving spatial awareness, as well as our mental and emotional focus and steadiness.



Heart Opening Backbends for improved breath
Sunday 14 September, 10am-12pm, ZenYoga Camberwell

small pic 3 kanwalBackbends open the chest and shoulders promoting better posture, circulation and respiratory function, particularly important given our tendency to slouch over devices. As well as strengthening the spine, improving flexibility and mobility, backbends improve focus, relieve restlessness and open our heart to new possibilities as we move towards the cooler winds of autumn.

Calming forward bends to relieve stress and tension
Sunday 23 November, 10am-12pm, ZenYoga Camberwell

small pic 4 kanwalForward bends lengthen and create space in the spine and improve mobility in the hips. As we move towards the quiet stillness of winter, the inward nature of these postures encourages introspection, taking stock and a deeper connection between body and mind.



About the teacher

Kanwal’s teaching style is characterized by warmth, intuition and clear communication. Her classes are engaging and inclusive, with an emphasis on deep stretches, slow flows and mindful breathing. She encourages students to go beyond the physical postures and to delve into the transformative philosophy that underlies yoga. Kanwal was drawn to yoga in her 20s as a way of keeping a centre of gravity whilst doing a robust job working on women’s rights and social justice and eventually trained with Yoghaven in 2010 (hot, vinyasa) and more recently with Norman Blair (yin). Kanwal has had a regular meditation and qi gong practice since 2017. She currently teaches hatha and yin yoga styles in South London.


Each workshop is £28 or a 10% discount for all 4

Book here (via Paypal – no booking fees)